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Long Beach Shop Owner Appeals for Action After Repeated Vehicle Crashes

Alex Pineda

We have been researching vehicle-into-building crashes for almost 20 years now, and have been building our database of storefront crashes for 12 years -- we have over 27,000 storefront crashes in our database, which makes it one of the largest collections of private property accidents in the US outside of the insurance industry. In addition, we have a separate dataset of over 18,000 crashes into structures from all over the US held separately from the database. That's about 45,000 vehicle-into-building crashes.

Over the years, I have met many victims of such crashes and met with the families of victims killed as a result of a storefront crash. Their stories are compelling and often life-changing for them and for their families. Other victims are not injured, but they have suffered significant economic loss as a result of a failure by property owners or cities to take action to protect their businesses from multiple crashes -- here is the story of a company in Long Beach California that has been struck multiple times, has suffered lasting damage, and is desperately asking for a solution. Read the full article here:

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